Saturday, June 24, 2006

Okay, I suck at this

It would seem that I suck at blogging. I'm not finding the time to devote to my own projects. I need to regain some balance.

So, is this a commitment to trying again, or an admission of failure? Good question. I don't like giving up.

I do want to write up my thoughts on switches and dials, and the importance of applying interaction design principles to game UI design (which ought to be obvious, and yet is not). So the chance I will do so is pretty good.

It would seem I must link. Increasing the connectivity of the Internet is a good thing.

I found this recently, and it caught my interest. I'm familiar with Tog as an influential member of the UI design community, and have read his stuff before.

First Principles on UI Design

1 comment:

nihilix said...

Nah - although making the time for it is hard. Think of it as writing practice, except you cast it out for the whole world to see!

(Which, actually, is terrifying. OK, think of it as storytelling/bloviating. And you suck at neither of those!)