Sunday, January 27, 2008

Visual Bookshelf, again

Visual Bookshelf 2.0 has been released, and I'm liking the upgrades. Given that it has to fit within the facebook column structure, the design works really well. The images also look better, although they're still smaller than I want them to be.

Hey, VB team - keep up the good work on facebook, but if you have some spare time to work out a full-page design that you can host on your own pages, I think you might get some usage there as well, and more space to do things like advertise.

Just a thought. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout!

Adam here from Hungry Machine Inc, the devs behind the Visual Bookshelf.

Glad to hear you generally like the new version. It was a long road to this point and it is still a work in progress but thus far I am glad you like it!

As for the external site idea: we are with you on this one. While we are still working hard to improve the site, is live today and enables just what you had in mind. Quick sign in through Facebook will synchronize your shelf on Facebook with your shelf on living social.

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Adam L
Hungry Machine Inc